Erik Hammer (Referee of the Department for University Politics)
Hi! Thank you for making your way to the website of the Department for University Politics.
My name is Eric, I am enrolled into the majors of sociology and politics and I am responsible for everything concerning university politics. That includes:
- the representation of students at the federal ASTA Meeting (LAK) held by the federal student board (LaStuVe)
- the organisation and execution of political actions, statements and positioning concerning political subjects that affect the interests of students
- offering support concerning various problems, conflicts and quarrels that disadvantage students
- being the contact person for everything relating to political representation
What is important to me? As the referee of the department of university politics of the student board, we are obliged to the interests of students. Because of this, we are explicitly politically unbiased- which does not mean that we are not political. Together with all students, we campaign in favour of a college landscape full of diversity that is open to everyone and that embraces everyone. In reality, there is a multitude of different opinions and views. In our work, this does not impose a problem, but is the foundation for interesting and exciting debates. Therefore, uppermost for me is the willingness for dialogue and communication. Because of this, we encourage you to contact us, if you wand to share criticism, Input or if you have a suggestion how we can improve our work. And even if the forthcoming semester will be different regarding the organization of events, we are looking forward to an interesting and diversified semester. We encourage you to take a look at the website of the student board and to notice our offer.
Greetings from
Erik Hammer
Department for University Politics
Erik Hammer (Referee of the Department for University Politics)
Hi! Thank you for making your way to the website of the Department for University Politics.
My name is Eric, I am enrolled into the majors of sociology and politics and I am responsible for everything concerning university politics. That includes:
- the representation of students at the federal ASTA Meeting (LAK) held by the federal student board (LaStuVe)
- the organisation and execution of political actions, statements and positioning concerning political subjects that affect the interests of students
- offering support concerning various problems, conflicts and quarrels that disadvantage students
- being the contact person for everything relating to political representation
What is important to me? As the referee of the department of university politics of the student board, we are obliged to the interests of students. Because of this, we are explicitly politically unbiased- which does not mean that we are not political. Together with all students, we campaign in favour of a college landscape full of diversity that is open to everyone and that embraces everyone. In reality, there is a multitude of different opinions and views. In our work, this does not impose a problem, but is the foundation for interesting and exciting debates. Therefore, uppermost for me is the willingness for dialogue and communication. Because of this, we encourage you to contact us, if you wand to share criticism, Input or if you have a suggestion how we can improve our work. And even if the forthcoming semester will be different regarding the organization of events, we are looking forward to an interesting and diversified semester. We encourage you to take a look at the website of the student board and to notice our offer.
Greetings from
Erik Hammer
The activities of the department for university politics consist of three 'pillars':
Internal University Policy, External Policy and Internationals.
Maximilian Günther (stellv. Referent für Hochschulpolitik)
Servus, ich bin 21 und studiere im 4. Semester Jura. In der StuVe bin ich mit zuständig für die Hochschulpolitik.
Alles was irgendwie politisch euch als Studis angehen könnte, von der Verkehrspolitik in Konstanz bis zum Hochschulfinanzierungsvertrag, ist unsere Abteilung. So haben wir schon eine Demo gegen den berühmten Hochschulfinanzierungsvertrag auf die Beine gestellt, eine Podiumsdiskussion zu den Lokalwahlen und vieles mehr ;)
In meinem zweiten Semester hat mich ein guter Freund auf HoPo aufmerksam gemacht und mich zusammen mit den motivierten Leuten vor Ort bis heute begeistert.
In meinem zweiten Semester habe ich dann eher zugeschaut worum es im Referat geht und was die StuVe überhaupt alles macht. Nach kurzem zögern habe ich mich dann Anfang letzten Semesters dazu entschieden eine Bewerbung für den Stellvertretenden Referenten abzugeben. Zack fertig…jetzt bin ich glühender AStArianer ;D