
Förderung (bildungs-)politischer Projekte


Financial Support for educational and political projects

Do you want to organize a soccer match against racism, an international dinner with refugees or do you want to arrange an educational or political lecture series regarding an interesting topic? Are you interested in projects in and outside of university that are questioning social problems? You are either already a member of a group or you are yet acting searching for other students to participate in your idea? In this case, you have found the right place.

The student body offers financial and organizational support for educational and political projects by offering a sponsorship trough the funds of the student body. We want to offer a place where you can easily access information and get financial support, reserve rooms and find cooperation partners. To get a better insight into our sponsorship system, you can look at the various projects we have already supported and still support.

Sponsorships of smaller and bigger projects have the purpose to drive forward the educational and political situation in the city and university of Constance, following the formal regulations of the student body. The most important requirement for claiming financial support for your project is that it has to address students of the university, following the motto “by students, for students.”

Here, you can find a list of organizations, institutions and associations in the region of lake Constance that are promoting educational and political work and that are open for cooperation. Further, you can find additional links regarding similar topics.